Sunday, May 3, 2015

Love Soul Food

When I saw that I had the option to review "Soul Food Love" I jumped at it. Although my Southwestern upbringing had been adventurous, my mother's culinary tastes had never veered towards the South.

Soul Food Love is a cookbook of "Healthy Recipes Inspired by One Hundred Years of Cooking in a Black Family. Alice and Caroline run through a variety of recipes, nearly all of which they describe as "perfect". Each recipe includes a fun history piece which often includes a description of the original recipe (before the healthy makeover) and there were several times I wish they had included those as well.

Instructions are easy to read and follow without being overly complex. However Alice and Caroline do not include estimated cooking times; something I find immensely important.

My roommates and I tried the Cauliflower Crown (delicious, although I may try to replicate the original recipe the duo hints at that involves wine). It went nicely with our Tacu Tacu de Palta (Peruvian Avacdo and Rice Fritters--once we perfect them I'll include the recipe) and Meringues.

Cauliflower Crown:

1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 bay leave
1 large head cauliflower, any greens removed
3 tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit
2. In a large pot, combine the vinegar, rosemary, and bay leaf with enough water to cover the cauliflower, and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the cauliflower and reduce the heat. Simmer the cauliflower until you can easily stick a knife through it, about 30 minutes.
3. Drain the cauliflower and transfer it to a baking dish. In a small owl, whisk the olive oil with salt and pepper to taste, and pour this evenly over the cauliflower. Bake, standing upright on its base, until well browned, about 3 minutes.

The Cauliflower Crown
My Sous-Chefs: Matt and Kevin sitting down to enjoy the meal